Monday, February 27, 2012

What's to come...

well here it goes.
i have been home now for 11 weeks. many know i have come home from a six month DTS (discipleship training school) through YWAM (youth with a mission). i did my outreach in a small nation in between China and India called Nepal. while in Nepal and since being home i have seen my heart for discipleship grow more and more. in Nepal i ran alongside a family who is permanent missionaries there and they have 2 daughters who are 9 and 11. i felt like the lord told me to commit to hanging with them while i am there and really poor into their lives. so that is what i did. since being home i have had heavy on my heart to run alongside many people and watch their relationship with jesus grow and help them in any way i can. i want others to desire a relationship with jesus. i want others to not only want jesus but pursue them with all that they have. something i learned in my time in kona is our God is alive and moving and we can have a real radically devoted, loving relationship with him. GOD IS ALIVE.

when i got home i was not sure what i felt like i was supposed to do. i had many different things offered to me. so i committed the month of january to pray and fast about 2012. well i did that with my parents and a few close friends and i still was not completely set on kona. i felt in my heart to go but i was telling myself that i was not supposed to go this time. i went to michigan to visit a few friends from kona. half that are going back and half that are not. we spent many nights in prayer about the future. the lord so clearly told me to be slow to speak and quick to listen. right when when i stopped talking the lord spoke kona. with conformation from many others. i got to talk about it with my school leader and where my heart was at and they were in full support. while still in kona right after outreach i had a leader ask me to come back and staff. so very recently i accepted that invitation  and sent in my application to be on staff. i was accepted a couple days ago. so July through December i will be staffing in kona hawaii and leading a team into a nation. so before i can staff i will be going to kona on april 2, 2012 to start a leadership track. which is to....

  •  rise up priests before the Lord who have learned to prioritize his presence, live for his glory, and be led by his spirit through a lifestyle of corporate and individual worship and prayer centered around the word of God.
  • develop committed kingdom family relationships, and create mature and effective leaders who walk in great integrity and godly character that could staff and lead DTS outreaches and pioneer DTS schools
  • release evangelists, preachers, teachers, and worship leaders who could effectively teach and impart into any setting with great anointing and profound impact.
  • train community builders and pioneers who are effective in creating, discipling, and multiplying missional communities centered around the presence of the Lord.
since i have been home i have had a lot of things thrown my way. but i have taken on those things and laid them at the lords feet and become a stronger person. i am speaking in churches and to groups about what the lord has done in my own life and who he is to me. being present in my family and chasing after the lord with them. god has been so faithful to all the words that he has spoken and continues to speak to me and do crazy things in my life. i am so ready. 
now working through YWAM we all live completely off support. the founder of YWAM even lives off support. Support covers staff fees, room and board, insurance, outreach fees and day to day living expenses. i am looking for people who are committed to me and my time in kona for at least a year. 

i thank you for all your prayers and support and believing with me that our god is big, alive, and moving and calling his children home.

i am excited to run alongside people who are relentlessly pursuing god and being obedient to his words. i want to thank you all again for even considering to support me and run after this mission to awaken the hearts and bring His sons and daughters home.

my verses for this time...
"enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! give thanks to him; bless his name!" psalm 100:4 ESV
"ask of me, and i will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession" psalm 2:8 ESV
"who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in god." 1 Peter 1:21
"but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. once you were not a people, but now you are god's people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy." 1 Peter 2:9-10 ESV

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