Wednesday, August 22, 2012


a place of long suffering.

a joyful place.

week 7 here in kona. i am completely undone and enamored by the man jesus. a man who stares at me in the face with completely love and longs to have all of me. every part of my heart, mind and body. how do i completely give myself to jesus?

a willing heart. 

a hopeful soul.

a trusting spirit.

stepping out in faith and being real and raw with jesus. saying whats on my mind and asking for a heavenly perspective. seeing how jesus sees things and understanding that jesus does not work in the box of "time" that the world has. understanding that not everything will make sense. 

realizing that i hold a small piece of the puzzle and i may only be staring at half of the corner and jesus sees the finished product. that he will bring things and reveal things in his timing. to wait and see what he says and reveals. to have patience.

Patience. oh, patience.

patience is a new lesson for me. with planning an outreach and staffing a dts. getting taught that i can only rely on jesus and can not do anything out of my own strength. to gaze at jesus and TRUST that he has it. understanding that patience and trust go hand in hand. with truly trusting god i will understad patience and realize that he will do it in his perfect timing. 

trust. joy. 

sitting in the joy of the lord and truly waiting and believing he will come in. letting him have his way with me. do what he wants and reveal what he wants when jesus wants to. letting go of my rights to know.

Letting go.

letting go of my future and rights. trusting that the i am walking in the will of th lord and being obedient. tursting that he will reveal in his time. when i pray about future jesus tells me to just pray "have your way with my future and reveal things to me in your perfect timing" so thats what i am doing. 
no frustration. 

seeing that if jesus were to reveal to me what is next now that i would focus on that and not be present in the here and now. seeing that jesus has plans for me later but this is his plans for now and i need to give my all in this time and not let other things take my focus. 

jesus is good.
jesus is real.


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